Tools and resources to use in your business
Are you struggling to identify and articulate your business issues? This suite of Mindshop diagnostics will assist you to drill down to your "pain points" and help quantify them. All information gathered is confidential and will be emailed directly to you and your business advisor. We can run any of these diagnostics individually with you, or with your team. To begin each diagnostic, click on the specific icon or link below.
Identify the key success factors in your business.
Change Success
Personal Diagnostic
Identify areas for improvement and implementing strategies to achieve change success.
Determine strategies you can implement to boost your potential for change success.
Focus your energies to improve the culture in your business.
Attributes that set great leaders apart.
Bounce back from adversity in your personal or business life.
Identify areas that are working well and areas you need to work on to improve your level of profit/efficiency in the business.
Identify your family business strengths and weaknesses.
Identify areas that are working well areas you need to work on to improve your business' innovation levels.
Improve your ability to market successfully.
Ensure you can survive and navigate the business through difficult economic times.